Sunday 4 January 2015

Share the Love // My most read blogs of 2014

Happy Sunday! I have had a busy weekend going back to teaching (which I missed a lot!) four yoga classes over the weekend. It's been great to see all the regulars in my classes again and also some new faces. Often on a Sunday I use the evening to catch up on reading blogs, so today I thought that I would share a few of my favourite blog reads with you all.

Dance, Flow, Lift. Natasha from Dance, Flow, Lift (which I helped her name!) is a fellow health and fitness blogger. Tash comes from a dance background and teaches Barrecore in London which, on a side note I wish they would bring to Bristol as I would love to give a class a try. I finally met Tash on a whirlwind trip to London in October, hopefully next time I am in London we can meet for a proper chat! Anyway I got side tracked (oops!), her blog has been one which I read on a weekly basis, I love catching up on posts and following her yoga journey. 

Couture Girl. I have watched Kayelighs blog grow and grow and it has been well deserved. It is my one stop shop for everything beauty related as Kayleigh always gives detailed and honest reviews of products. She also posts personal posts which deal with issues close to her heart. I have watched her grow into herself through this blog and I cannot wait to see where her journey takes her next! 

The Blonde Ethos. Another fellow health and fitness blogger Natalie always has gorgeous photos on her blog and she gets to attend some fun blogger events in London. I love seeing how other people stay on track with their healthy lifestyle and I love the detailed advice which Natalie gives on her blog. 

Veronika's Blushing. This is a bit of a different blog as it is a real mixture of posts. I have followed Veronika's blog for years, having found her through her YouTube channel. Over the past year and a bit she has journeyed into motherhood which I have read with interest. I still love her outfit and beauty posts, also she has the most amazing hair. I love reading her blog simply because it is an honest documentation of her life and I have loved seeing her little family grow. 

These of course are only a small selection of the blogs I read, there are too many to mention but these are a few of my favourites. Do you have any blog reading suggestions? Let me know in the comments section below. 

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