Thursday 1 January 2015

An Intention for the New Year

Happy new year Jayne Becca readers! I wish you happiness for the new year. 2015 is going to be super exciting for both my blog and my yoga. Exciting things are coming for both my local students and YOU, yes you my online readers. I wanted to say thank you again for all your support this year and watch this space, I have exciting plans for next week!

So today is the 1st of January. A day where people often set 'new year resolutions' which is good but did you know that apparently 80% of people fail with keeping their new year resolutions. 80%! That's a lot. The cause of this is that we often start from a place of feeling that we are not good enough and we then allow our ego to imagine how we would like to be. We then think that happiness will come from achieving that goal.

Here's the thing - we already have all we need to achieve that goal within us. We can learn to focus our mind, connect with our dreams and channel our inner power to reach our potential. Where the mind goes, energy flows.

Make a commitment to yourself which will guide your choices, create a statement or a mantra. Make sure to be happy with all that you already are in order to fulfil that potential. Start everyday with gratitude. By being grateful for what you have sends positive energy out into the universe. You cannot expect to receive positive energy if you don't send out positive energy yourself.

Try not to use the phrases 'I want' or 'I will' instead use I AM.

I am strong.
I am confident.
I am motivated. 
I am healthy and whole. 
I am inspiring. 
I am healing and loving myself. 
I am full of love, light and life. 

So create that mantra, use your breath to help still the mind. Tune into that inner voice. Let go of the ego that does not serve you and let your light shine.

If you are in Bristol and want to explore more of this subject with me I am hosting a Goal for the Soul workshop which will be the perfect way to interweave our intentions with a powerful, ground yoga practice. Email me for my info or see my website.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on everything you've achieved in 2014, I think there's lots more to come! xx

    Ramblings of a Beauty Bird | Beauty Blog


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