Monday 5 January 2015

Review // Jimmy's Iced Coffee

If you know me then you know that I love coffee! I need to have my daily dose. I usually stick to just one cup on most days as I know it is a little bit of a vice. However I am a huge believer in balance in a healthy lifestyle so yes, the coffee stays!

Coffee is great for a little bit of 'pep' before heading out for a run or to the gym. That's where Jimmy's Iced Coffee comes in. I am a big fan of iced coffee and I love Jimmy's Iced Coffee for on the go convenience, so when a box landed on my doorstep containing a selection of iced coffees for me to try I got a little overexcited. Let's face it no ones really feels like jumping out of bed at this time of the year, the mornings are cold and dark, so a little bit of an extra boost to get you moving is just what you need! I like to grab one my my way out the door to teach yoga and I have found that I have that little bit of extra energy I need to lead an early morning class.

One of the best things about Jimmy's Iced Coffee, I think, is that it only has four ingredients - coffee, milk, sugar and water - no nasty sweeteners or additives. Personally I would rather have sugar in a drink over chemically derived nastiness any day!

Jimmy's Iced Coffee is available from Boots, Waitrose, Tesco Express, Whole Foods and a few other places. RRP £1.59. What's your favourite pre or post workout drink?

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