Friday 9 January 2015

8 Minute Basic Yoga Warm Up

And hello it's Friday! Is it just me or has this week been super long? It's always a challenge to get back into the swing of things after the holidays, ugh - early mornings. Coffee has been my friend this week, I'm not going to lie!

As promised here is my first yoga video. I am learning as I go so expect the quality to improve as I learn to use the camera and how to edit over the next few weeks (well, I hope it will at least!). This is a basic warm up for yoga or if you are about to do a cardio routine. It is accessible for all levels but as always listen to your body and just do what feels good. 

In my own personal yoga practice this week I have been working on my forearmstands so be sure to follow me on Instagram for some more yoga related fun! 

A video posted by Jayne (@jaynebecca) on
Have a fun weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I've incorporated this into my yoga routine, and I notice I feel more loosened and energized before I go into my full routine. Thanks!


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