Thursday, 27 February 2014

Fitness // Bath Half Marathon ~ Almost there!

Hey all! Is it Thursday already? I meant to get this post up sooner this week but between being busy and being poorly I haven't had chance. I was hit with stomach flu last night, four days before race day, and it just knocked it out of me. I slept through the worst of it last night and although I'm feeling brighter today my appetite is still low and so I'm feeling a bit weak. Hopefully I will feel a lot better tomorrow!

Last week was good, I am enjoying the tapering and letting my body recover. I felt strong on my five mile run on Sunday and I got to try out my new hat! Yay! Trainers are broken in and I have had no problems with my feet since I got them. It just goes to show you that the right pair of trainers pays off! 

Race day nerves are starting to kick in a little but I'm motivated by all the fantastic donations people have made so far! I have a lot more on it's way through sponsor forms as well. I am running in aid of The Katie Piper Foundation and if you are feeling generous (it's just been pay day after all!) you can donate via my Just Giving page


  1. You will do wonderful darling!!

  2. I'm so excited for you! I agree with you about running shoes - I really feel like they make or break the experience.

  3. Good luck for your race - I'm sure you'll smash it! :)
    & if does not go the way you want..don't worry about the times and just enjoy yourself.


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