Tuesday 15 October 2013

Yoga In Progress // Dancers Pose

Happy Tuesday! Hasn't it got colder? All I want to do when I get home in the evening is to put on my pyjamas and drink tea! I do like this time of year though as Christmas is getting closer. 

Today I thought I would share with you some pictures of my progress in dancers pose. Now to give you an idea of where I actually started - three months ago I could not reach my leg up that high at all! I just practised slowly, listening to my body and stretching a little bit further each time. It took my a while to straighten my standing leg as well. 

This quote from Rachel Brathen really struck a chord with me today so I felt it needed to be shared ~

This moment is a perfect opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. Every moment is. Wherever you are, whatever you are going through... You are here for a reason. Don't turn your back on life - face it head on with open eyes and an open heart. What do you need to do to bring love into the situation you are in? There is always a way. Invite love. Breathe. Grow. Serve your purpose, and your purpose will serve you.


  1. Ah well done! This is such a lovely pose. I used to practice this for ages until I could finally do this without my leg shaking like crazy haha.


  2. Amazing! Yoga is really good for letting you realize exactly how much your body and mind are changing and working together.


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