Friday, 27 September 2013

Fitness // Malta Bikini Bootcamp Week 4

This is my final Malta Bikini Bootcamp update as I fly out on Monday! I am so ready for this holiday and it's come just in time for when the nights are getting darker and the weather is rainy. 

This week has been a great one so far and I still have three days left! This week saw the start of the Tone It Up Frisky Fall Challenge and it couldn't have come at a better time ~ you know me, I love a good fitness challenge! It's great because everyone comes together to support each other, you feel that you can push that little bit harder and it's just what we all need coming into Autumn to keep the motivation levels UP! 

I shared my Frisky Fall intentions on Instgram (pictured below) and one of them is to do daily yoga practice. I have honestly found that since jumping in and working yoga into my daily routine I have absolutely fell in love with it. I can do poses I never though possible, I feel stronger and more centred everyday and I have found that it has helped with my other fitness favourites ~ running and spinning. I also attended my Sunday yoga class this week and I can see a difference from when I first stepped in that class to now. I highly recommend checking out YogaBabeLife if you are interested in beginning your own yoga journey, Dana and her YogaBabe programme have really benefited me :) 

Speaking of YogaBabe my Beat This Summer Series prize was delivered on Saturday! I absolutely love the tank (pictured bottom right above) and my intention bracelets. You can check out the tank here, it's super cute and perfect for yoga. I am in love with the colour! 

This week has also seen me get back into running again. A couple of weeks ago silly me wore the wrong socks out for a 3 mile run and managed to rub the skin off the back of one ankle ~ ouch! So I was limited in how far I could run until it healed. I am pleased to say I am back to normal now but boy did that 3 mile run hurt on Monday morning! One of the Frisky Fall challenges is #100byHalloween ~ run, walk, dance, swim, bike 100 miles. I love to have goals like this and I am going to do my best to achieve it! I am taking my trainers to Malta ~ hello beach runs! 

It's not over yet! I have three more days until we fly so I have a spin class booked for tonight and yoga booked for Sunday morning. You can follow me on Instagram for daily health & fitness check ins ~ @jaynebecca. 

Don't forgot you can still enter my giveaway to win a £25 gift voucher for Lorna Jane UK here

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