Friday, 16 August 2013

Fitness // YogaBabe Beat This Summer Series

Happy Friday! Are you happy it is Friday? I sure am. I seem to have had a bit of a hectic week this week so I am looking forward to the weekend to relax and of course get my workouts in! If you follow me on Instagram you may have noticed that I am taking part in a new three week fitness series. After the Bikini Series finished I have been keeping up with my workouts and clean eating but if you read this post you will know that I am working on not only my birthday countdown but one year since finding Tone It Up. So this is where the YogaBabe Beat This Summer series comes in and it finishes on my birthday weekend which is perfect timing!

If it wasn't for Tone It Up I wouldn't have been able to find the amazing Dana who is Dana is a yoga teacher and health coach and you can read more about her inspirational story and positive outlook on life here. Now as you all know I have been introducing more yoga into my fitness routine so this series is a perfect opportunity for me to delve straight into the YogaBabe lifestyle. 

'Yoga is so much more than just a physical practice, it really leaks out into the rest of your life, from how you interact with others, the way you eat, and the way you take care of yourself. It’s truly a lifestyle.'

The Beat This Summer series is a three week fitness and lifestyle challenge and it's not to late to join in with us! The workout schedule is posted on Sundays so you can plan your week and is a combination of YogaBabe flow and sculpt workouts along with some good old fashioned cardio! You can make it work for you ~ I'm still running and following along with Tone It Up as well :) If you want to shake up your workout routine or need a new challenge then check it out! 

You can find the YogaBabe Beat This Summer Series here and the Week One schedule here


  1. Those yogababe smoothies look sooo good!
    BTW, I nominated you for a Liebster award :) Check it out!

  2. This sounds interesting, I'll check out the links.

    Love your blog by the way!


  3. nice fitness post, I love your style of blogging here on :)
    you see, there are 2 blogs that i've found so far to be very helpful and have something interesting for me whenever i visit, this one and
    Keep it up. I will be visiting again.


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