Thursday, 7 August 2014

OM Yoga // Everything is Possible


Hello everyone! I am back from my yoga teacher training at Yeotown in Devon and after a hectic few weeks I am back blogging on a regular basis.

While reading the latest issue of OM Yoga Magazine I came across an article on how a regular yoga practice can make anything possible. Ever heard that positive thinking will bring positive things into your life? It's true and that's where yoga comes in. Personally I battled body image demons for years but it's only through yoga that I have conquered these demons. Yes I still have some bad days, but we are only human right? How has yoga helped me do this you ask... It has been scientifically established that exercise stimulates neurogensis - the creation of new neurons - in the part of the brain which is repsonsible for for formation of memories. By putting our bodies through regular physical exercise we are literally able to reshape our brains and improve the state of our lives.

Through yoga we are often encouraged to 'Get comfortable with the uncomfortable'. This focus, along with breath, brings more awareness and oxygen to those parts of the body which are stressed or tense. We bring a mindset of relaxation, calmness and letting go of that which no longer serves us. Hence for me I was able to let go of my body image demons. I felt free. Through yoga you move and flow in a way which feels organic to your body. In getting comfortable with the uncomfortable we increase our flexibility both on and off the mat. We learn to cultivate mindfulness and kindness to both others and ourselves.

Through yoga I found myself again. I have a purpose, to spread this light to others in teaching yoga classes. Everyone deserves to be free and everything is indeed possible.

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