Tuesday 29 October 2013

Fitness // Tone It Up ~ Frisky Fall Update

Happy Tuesday! Today I thought I would share a fitness update with you as I haven't done one in a while ~ although you can always see what I am up to on a daily basis on Instagram

As the mornings have been getting darker I have found myself less inclined to go out for a run and drawn more to yoga. I have been working on my handstands! I am progressing slowly but surely, like everything in yoga it takes time and patience to progress. I have noticed that my arms are slowly getting stronger each day and I can now kick my legs up and hold for a little airtime :) If you are interested in learning handstands then the video below helped me a lot. The best tip I can give is to get away from the wall as leaning your feet towards a wall dumps all your weight into your lower back and the alignment of your body is out. 

So I fell off the running wagon big time! The dark mornings and being busy in the evenings contributed. Now that the clocks have gone back it will be light in the mornings again for a couple of weeks so I am going to focus on getting out there, even if it is cold! Matt is able to start running again so I will be going out for jogs with him too. It's always nice to go together, I always make sure to slow my pace down to his rather than leave him for dust :) 

Although I haven't been following the Tone It Up weekly schedule exactly I have been fitting my workouts in with more of a focus on yoga. I feel that this has been good for me as not only have I got stronger and leaner but I feel happier and more focused in myself. Yoga is good for the body and the soul! 

Nutrition wise I have been sticking to basically the same foods Monday to Friday, boring maybe but I like being in a routine. Generally my meals are: green smoothie, bombshell spell, toast with PB, fruit, salad, yoghurt, Nakd bar and of course a healthy dinner! I make sure to drink plenty of water and herbal teas. I have found I have been eating much more veggie dishes lately as well which I love! 


  1. Wow that's really impressive that you can hold handstand, I couldn't even do them when I was younger - my balance is awful! :p x

  2. That Burger and I'm guessing sweet potato fries, looks awesome. Making me drool at my computer. Haha


    1. Veggie burger and yep sweet potato fries! Obsessed!

  3. Waw. That looks awesome. What is the app that you use for yoga?

    1. Yogify! It's a great app, I find it really useful :)

  4. Hi Jayne,
    I am a TIU girl too but I struggle to have a routine and stick to it. How do you manage to do it, an did you do when you started ? Do you have a strict schedule ? Thanks a lot

    1. Hi! Thanks for the question :) I just make sure to get my Booty Calls in 5 days a week Mon- Fri, it is hard at first but trust me once you get into a routine you'll be fine & LOVE it! I tend to run 2-3 times a week and often in the mornings I will do yoga.

      When I first started I followed the TIU schedule exactly as it helps to have a plan. Think of your workouts like an appointment, schedule them in and don't miss them!

      I hope that helps! If you have any other questions I'm on facebook (search Miss Jayne Becca) and twitter @jaynebecca xx


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