Wednesday 23 October 2013

Bluebird Tea Co // Tea Mixologists

As you all will know if you follow me on Instagram I am a huge tea lover! Tea can be cleansing, give you energy and help stop those late night chocolate cravings. So when the lovely people at Bluebird Tea Co contacting me offering to send me some tea I of course said yes. 

Bluebird Tea Co is the UK's first and only company specialising in tea mixology. They create blends of unique loose leaf teas using unusual and fun flavours and ingredients. Bluebird Tea Co is a young, independent tea company set up by specialist tea mixologists Krisi and Mike ~ you can read more about them here and watch a cool video!

Now onto the tea... Excuse the fact that I took my pictures after excitedly ripping open the bags to try the tea - Oops! 

Morning Kick is the perfect wake up call in the morning, amazingly it is caffeine free the kick you get is from Yerba Mate which is said to give you a boost equal to caffeine but without the crash later on. I have been taking these to work with me and it is perfect for waking you up on a Monday morning. 

I was very excited to try Skinny Minny ~ a energising, metabolism boosting, stomach calming elixir. It was as if this tea was made for me, Bluebird Tea Co know me well! I find this is perfect for the afternoon after lunch when I am in need of a little kick or in the evenings to help my stomach digest my dinner. I found this tea was really good when I wasn't too well a couple of weekends ago as the ginger in it helped to calm my stomach. 

mojiTEA is an interesting twist on my favourite mint green tea ~ with a twist of lime! The perfect amount of peppermint means that this tea is a firm favourite of mine and as a mojito fan (it's my favourite cocktail) it really gives you a slice of the Caribbean on a rainy autumn day. 

I am not usually a fan of regular rooibos tea but with a splash of mint and chocolate the Mint Chocolate Rooibos tea ticks all the boxes to be an after dinner chocolate craving stopper. If like me you always want something sweet in the evenings then this is perfect. 

As a green tea lover I have always wanted to try Matcha Tea. The Super Matcha is a powerful little superfood in one handy scoop. I have been adding this to my green smoothies in the morning. Matcha is a traditional Japanese powdered green tea and because you consume the whole tea leaf it has up to 10 x the benefits of regular green tea, 7 x the vitamin C as orange juice and 3 x the energy boost as an espresso shot. Bluebird Tea Co has added the superfoods acai and blueberry to the mix which are proven to aid weight loss and detoxification. 

Overall I am very impressed with my package from Bluebird Tea and I highly recommend that you visit their website and give the teas a try. You can even pick up sample packs if you are not sure what to go for which I think is a great idea. The loose tea is priced at £4.50 and the handy tea parcels are £5.25. The Super Matcha is priced at £20 for 25 servings. 

What are your favourite teas?

There is still time to enter my Zumba Party In Pink giveaway here!

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