Wednesday 11 September 2013

Fitness // Yoga & Being Mindful

Yoga for me is something which I have always wanted to delve into but for some reason I had always been a little scared. Scared about showing up to a class and knowing nothing, scared I would make a fool of myself. So I stuck to my running, my spin classes, horse riding and of course, my workout DVDs & YouTube videos.

I didn't realise how much more yoga was than being super bendy and doing crazy inversions. Yoga to me is so much more than that. It's about uncovering who you really are, it's about being kind to yourself so that you can then be kind to others and live your life with a sense of compassion and gratefulness. Leading with your heart. 

So take five minutes today to live in the moment, focus on that moment without a million and one things running around your head at the same time. Breathe deep and quieten your mind. 

Image: Pinterest - edited by me.


  1. Lovely post Jayne :) I was always a bit scared of Yoga too so I'm glad that Body Balance has helped me try it! It definitely teaches mindfulness :) xoxo

  2. I really want to get in to yoga!
    Do you recommend any good youtube yoga vids/channels?
    alicekatex ♥

    1. Check out:, and

      Be sure to let me know how you get on! x


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