Thursday 18 July 2013

Fitness | How To Incorporate Yoga Into Your Fitness Routine

Good evening! If you have been following my fitness journey on my blog and Instagram you know how much I love my morning workouts. A year ago you would not have caught me getting up at 6:30 am to go for a run and sweat it out before work ~ oh how things have changed! Since completing my 10k Race for Life I decided that I wanted to explore another fitness avenue ~ yoga.

I have always been interested in yoga and I have a good basic knowledge through Tone It Up and the yoga/ stretching routines on the Beach Babe DVDs but I want to explore the practice more deeply. So I have taken the plunge and booked my first yoga class for Sunday morning ~ 9am! I can't wait. Stretching is important when you are working out hard and yoga is perfect to compliment any workout routine. While I was training hard for my 10k run I found that simple yoga routines were a great way to cool down, elongate your muscles, energise and calm your mind for the day ahead. It's also a great way to stretch everything out and relax in the evenings.

I am setting myself the intention of practising yoga in the morning or evening 2-3 days a week to go along with my usual workout and running routine. Below are some yoga routines which I have tried and tested! The YogaBabe and Miranda Kerr routines are perfect for the mornings and I love the Beach Yoga for the evening.

Let me know if you give any of these videos a go! Also if you practice yoga and have any tips for beginners leave me a comment, contact me on Twitter or drop me an email! :)

Images: Pinterest


  1. I love yoga so much but they're usually such long sessions that lately I've neglected it a bit. Spinning is my go to class and main form of exercise at the moment, I need to run more often but I don't spur myself on enough. Good luck for the class, you've encouraged me to do a Sunday morning yoga class now so thanks!

    Paula ♥ | xo

    1. Yay! Good stuff, I am glad that have inspired you to go on Sunday too! I also love spinning, it is my go to de-stresser for a Friday evening! x

  2. Great post! looking forward to using some of these videos in my yoga routine later today! I totally agree with you that yoga is such a vital part of stretching before and after workouts! I did a post on different yoga poses for runners if you're interested in checking it out:

    1. Thank you! Yes I read your post, very interesting and I will be popping some of these into my routines! x


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